According to the people in Ciporlos Samar, the witch has a big jar. Every night she crawls head first into the jar and stays there in a vertical position.
In .ihon, the witch hears the moan-sick persons within a wide radius. ii as she determines her victim, figs
grow on the instant and she i her destination. There she goes I he house and is transformed
into una! incubated in her which may Og, a cat, a pig, or the like. After s sucked the blood of the sick and eaten part of his internal or-k Ii as liver and intestines, she goes
ind feeds her pet animals.
Flying habits of the witch are ly described by informants Leyte and
Samar. The witch ordi-l lies at midnight. Before her flight plies magic oil under her
armpits; ake her wings grow instantly. The detaches the upper part of her body (head, shoulders, and hands) from the lower part
(waist below). With only the upper part of her body, she flies away, leaving
the lower part in a certain position. Should someone alter this position while
the witch is away, the witch would not be able to unite the. parts anymore and
she would die.
Their carnivorous habit is the outstanding characteristic of witches. They prefer the blood of sick persons and pregnant women. Before they start sucking, they dance the mambo-tambo, laughing while they perform it.
The flesh of infants, especially the liver, is a delicacy for them; therefore, witches like to be midwives. They steal newborn babies and substitute banana trunks for the stolen babies.
Witches often visit cemeteries to watch for new burials, in order to
feast later on the bodies. Their long fingernails and sharp teeth are
especially fit for this work.
They live in houses without
roofs and with floors that are not all nailed so they can go out readily. They
do not molest their immediate neighbors, but exercise their evil powers far
away to keep their secret from their neighbors.
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