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ARIES (March 21 to April 20)

Persons born under the zodiac ARIES is a leader, a pioneer and agitator. Incisive and satirical in speech, he can be very blunt. Like a battering-ram, he forges his way through life with daring, energy and initiative.

He is at his best in any sphere of activity that deals with metals or machi­nery, which means that he may be a harmless-looking auto mechanic who moonlights as an alchemist for some re­volutionary group. He will also make a good soldier, a surgeon, a butcher, or a writer of satirical works which, fortunately, will never get published.

An Arian who, being ruled by the planet Mars, is usually rampageous, passionate and highly-sexed. This is a danger sign because a hum-drum or routinary life may inhibit the Arian's natural traits, bringing about a violent reaction, or an acute dermatological problem such as acne.

The heavens indicate that he is enter­ing a rather entropic period in his life. He is, therefore, advised to stop smoking in bed, take plenty of vitamin E, and refrain from singing while taking a show­er as this may tax his lungs and cause pneumonia.
