There are three general
branches of astrology, namely, mundane, genethliacal and judicial astrology. The most popularly
known type is genethliacal or natal astrology. This is concerned with the
destiny of the individual person.
Mundane or political astrology studies the destinies of nations, masses of people or organizations.
Judicial or horary astrology is concerned with questions or problems requiring decisions. There are other applications of mundane astrology, which include astrometeorology or prediction of weather.
Mundane or political astrology studies the destinies of nations, masses of people or organizations.
Judicial or horary astrology is concerned with questions or problems requiring decisions. There are other applications of mundane astrology, which include astrometeorology or prediction of weather.
Genethliacal astrology had its roots in mundane astrology. During the times of kings and emperors, predictions on the destinies of nations were determined from the birthcharts of their rulers. It must have been assumed that, under the principle of "divine rights of kings," they were the instruments of God on mundane affairs. Thus, in some primitive societies, including Biblical organizations, any catastrophe or national disaster was considered to be divine punishment for the sins of the rulers. King David's adultery with Bathsheba was considered the cause for the military and agricultural disasters of Israel.
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