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Before one can protect himself against the evildoings of a witch one must know how to detect her presence. Folk belief has developed a number of devices. A witch may also be recognized thus:

If you suspect someone to be a witch and you meet her in the daytime look her straight in the eyes. A witch will avoid your eyes because she cannot look straight into them. On certain days, namely, Fridays and the days of Lent, the image of an' object in the eyeball of a witch is inverted. According to the old people, this is a sure way of recognizing a witch at daytime.

Holy oil also plays a role in detecting a witch. A similar kind of oil is produced from a one-eyed coconut obtained on Holy Fridays. This oil, placed in a bottle, will start boiling in the presence of a witch; it is, therefore, a sure way to detect her.

When a member of a family is suspec­ted by the others to be a witch, they can turn her while asleep to another posi­tion. If the person is a witch, she will not wake up anymore, because the bad spirit will not be able to find its way back into her body.

A person fond of eating raw chicken is also highly suspected to be a witch
