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LIBRA (September 24 to October 23)

He is the arbiter elegantarium. Like the Taurean, he brings love of beauty and charm to everything that he does. His idea of a midnight snack is to take Liebfraumilch with limburger, which he believes is good for anyone's libido. How­ever, he thinks that pate de foie gras is French for pelota played by fat girls.

Like his symbol, The Balance, the Libran is constantly weighing the pros and cons of a situation so long that he cannot make up his mind or makes it up too late. He is prone to be a fence-sitter who loathes to "upset the balance" since equilibrium and harmony must pre­vail at all times. He would, therefore, make a good diplomat, juggler (of com­pany books, among other things), tight-rope walker and president of the United States.

   During the year, the Librarian will definitely strive to make his surroundings appear more elegant since the Libra eye for beauty will be most assertive. The stars indicate that he is likely to install plastic covers on his rattan furniture in a fit of inspiration. Furthermore,' since his mate is a necessary part of the furnishings that complete the harmony which  must be obtained, he will require "the other" to wear polyester clothing with architec­tural designs. He is advised to temper his taste for the finer things in life with Saturnian wisdom and restraint, because it may be that his mate prefers polyester with geometric designs.

This can be a year of confusion and "imbalance" during which time his life direction becomes unclear. He need not worry. By the time he is through with weighing the pros and the cons, the do's and the don't's and the yin and the yang of it all, the problem will have disappeared through sheer neglect. Disappointments may come, but this is only to point out that he is wrong. 
