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Acrophobia - fear of heights 
Aerophobia - fear of high objects or heights
Agoraphobia — fear of open places 
Ailurophobia — fear of cats 
Algophobia — fear of pain
Androphobia — fear of men 
Apiphobia — fear of bees 
Anthrophobia — fear of people 
Astraphobia — fear of storms, lightning, thunder
Autophobia - fear of being alone 
Baccilophobia — fear of microbes 
Ballistophobia — fear of bullets 
Bathophobia — fear of depths 
Belonephobia — fear of pins and needles 
Botanophobia — fear of plants 
Chromophobia — fear of certain colors 
Claustrophobia — fear of enclosed places 
Decidophobia — fear of making decisions 
Domatophobia — fear of being enclosed in a house 
Entomophobia — fear of insects 
Ergophobia — fear of work 
Gephydrophobia — fear of crossing bridges
Gynephobia — fear of women 
Hematophobia — fear of blood 
Hydrophobia — fear of water Iatrophobia — fear of doctors 
Mysophobia — fear of germs or contami­nation
Necrophobia — fear of dead bodies 
Nucleomithiphobia —  fear of nuclear bombs
Nyctophobia - fear of night 
Ochlophobia — fear of crowds 
Ombrophobia — fear of rain 
Optophobia — fear of opening one's eyes 
Pantophobia — fear of fears 
Pathophobia — fear of disease 
Peccatophobia — fear of sinning 
Pediphobia — fear of children, or dolls 
Phobophobia - fear of one's own fears
Ponophobia - fear of work 
Psychrophobia — fear of cold 
Pyrophobia — fear of fire 
Sophophobia — fear of learning 
Stenophohia — fear of open places 
Syphilophobia - fear of syphillis 
Taphephobia — fear of being buried alive 
Thalassophobia — fear of the ocean 
Thanatophobia — fear of death 
Topophobia — fear of performing on stage 
Tropophobia - fear of moving or making a change 
Verbophobia — fear of words 
Vestiophobia — fear of clothing 
Xenephobia — fear of strangers 
Zoophobia - fear of animals 
