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Planetary Symbols in Astrology

The article is concerned with mundane astrology, in as much as no specific person will be delineated or  herein.  In  mundane astrology, the following significations are attached to different different factors of the horoscope. 

The planets have these meanings:

     The Sun represents the ruler, magistrates,  all persons in authority and distinction.

     The Moon signifies the common people, crowds, women generally, and all matters of a common or public nature.

     Mercury symbolizes the mass communications, newspapers, publishers, ambassadors, trade and commerce, and the literati. 

     Venus is said to signify artists, musicians, children, births and the female sex.

Mars represents the military, surgeons, war, controversies, fire and arson.

Jupiter signifies the religious and the judiciary, judges, lawyers, bankers, etc.

Saturn symbolizes landowners, far­mers, mines, agriculture, the aged. It also stands for structure and organization.

     Uranus is said to influence societies and associations, utility companies, strikes, riots, air industry, and techno­logy. It also means anarchy and activism.

Neptune is claimed to signify socialism, plots, sedition, fake companies, vice, and all other illicit undertakings. It is said to include drug addiction.

Pluto rules organizations and dictators.
