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The Monkey

People born under this sign are erratic geniuses and thus, excel in marketing and business (not necessarily the "mon­key-type" of business). They are masters of the art of deception and can also be­come good magicians, politicians, and to a certain extent, lovers. Therefore, they should not be underestimated no matter how innocent or shy they appear.

    The Male Monkey
Male Monkeys are horribly egocentric. They are extremely selective and prefer to be associated with gorgeous and vo­luptuous women. Afflicted with delusions of grandeur, they believe that such women are honored to be in their influencial company.

When married, Mr. Monkey becomes loyal, generous and devoted. However, he should not be restricted for he goes bananas and starts climbing up walls once he feels tied down.

The Femlae Monkey
Miss Monkey, on the other hand, is an accomplished "enchantress". She con­siders sex and romance as her best pas­times and her greatest "assets". An endless flirt, her wardrobe is made up of suggestive dresses and skimpy skirts which are an obvious conservation on fabric
Older female Monkeys can be excess­ively vain. While some are old-fashioned in dressing, others painstakingly put their efforts on their appearances (which sometimes are in need of the extra attention). Their cosmetics and hairdos have to be immaculate at all times and they are prepared to spend a fortune to see that they are.

Both Mr. and Miss Monkey have a deep desire for knowledge and extra­ordinary memories. Their only trouble is their lack of persistence and concen­tration most evident during office hours when they tend to indulge in daydreams.

The Monkey, like any other individual, aspires to get to the top of the proverbial social ladder. Unlike the others though, the Monkey prefers the most accessible ladder, which usually does not have too many rungs.
