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The OX

Like their animal sign, the people born in the year of the Ox are perseve­ring, steadfast and industrious. Pushed by these qualities, they tend to be aspi­ring and ambitious. Never provoke or get in their way for they can explode with great severity. The first warning signs are horns growing from the top of their heads.

  In business, they can be very ag­gressive and dynamic. If they were in charge of a company, expect work on Sundays and holidays.
In affairs of the heart, Mr. Ox is not likely to show such characteristics (at least initially). However, once encouraged, he becomes passionate and loyal. As lo­vers, Oxen particularly enjoy proving their motto: Actions speak louder than words.

The Male OX
Mister Ox is known to be old-fash­ioned, conventional and resistant to change. He often casts away new ideas until they are absolutely, . undoubtedly proven. To this day, Mr. Ox is having a hard time believing that the world is round.

The Female OX
Miss Ox on the other hand is a No-Nonsense girl. She likes being noted for her intelligence, but occasionally wants to be recognized as a sex symbol. Give her the right approach and she'll change her image completely.
With her family, Mrs. Ox tends to be authoritative. She takes the job of discip­lining her children most seriously. She is often seen with a rod and a whip.
Both Mr. and Miss Ox enjoy a leisurely life although they prefer to have it after success has been achieyed. Oxen usually separate business from pleasure, but as to which comes first is anybody's guess.
