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What is the Koran?

The Koran is the sacred book on which is founded the religion of the Mohammedans, the followers of the Prophet Mohammed (about A.D. 570-632). The name comes from the Arabic qu’ran meaning “that should be read”. It is used in public worship and is the chief textbook in Mohammedan schools. Upon the Koran are based the Mohammedan laws and way of life.

This sacred book is the word of Allah (God) revealed in a vision to Mohammed by the Archangel Gabriel. Mohammed, who could not write, dictated Gabriel’s words to his friends. There were written on dried palm leaves, bits of leather, whitened shoulder-blades of sheep or whatever was to hand. Soon after the prophet’s death, Caliph Abu Bakr (573-634 A.D.) called a conference of those who had heard Mohammed, and ordered the writing of an authentic Koran. All variations on it were destroyed. Because of this, and because of the phenomenal verbal memory Arabs are known to possess, it is almost certain that the Koran is indeed composed of the authentic sayings of Mohammed.

The Koran is about as long as the New Testament. It is written in rhymed prose and is divided into 114 suras or chapters, each of which begins with words “In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate”. It consists of history, legends, prophecies, moral precepts and laws.

The histories are chiefly about Old Testament characters, and many of the laws are the same as those of  Judaism or Christianity. Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are named as the greatest prophets and the Bible is held in great respect. Mohammedans are told to treat “the peoples of the Book” (i.e. Jews and Christians) with kindness.

The most important teaching is the oneness of God – “there is no God but Allah”. Submission to his will (Islam) is the highest virtue. The last judgement is stressed. Then everyone shall received reward or punishment for his deeds. The Mohammedan must pray five times a day, turning towards Mecca, the holy city, which is in Saudi Arabia. He must also make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca, if he can afford it.
